Automate Safety and Regulatory Compliance

Ensure that everyone is compliant with regulations and insurance needs. With our customized alerts, your team will proactively avoid lapses.

Compliance Types

We can ensure compliance for individual personnel, visitors on site and subcontractors. If a subcontractor has a lapse, it will invalidate their entire workforce.

Multiple Access Levels

You are in control. Secure the right level of access for administrator, office staff, site security, and others.


Subcontractors submit their proof of compliance freeing up staff for more important tasks.


We integrate with door access systems to automatically block entry to non compliant individuals or subcontractors.

Track any Compliance Interval

Track compliance needs that must be filled out daily or weekly, or compliances that expire after longer periods of time.

Does your team struggle to ensure your subcontractors and their workers have all their paperwork up to date?

Compky simplifies this workflow for you.

Reach out to us today at (845)-671-4700

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